Most Advanced Veterinary Rehabilitation Department on Earth

Deployable Rehab Department

Introducing ArthroPaws, the innovative solution to rehabilitate and heal your furry friends. With our veterinary deployable rehab department, your pets can now receive top-notch care and therapy right in the comfort of their own homes. Say goodbye to long trips to the clinic and hello to convenience. Whether it's post-surgery recovery, arthritis management, or muscle rehabilitation, ArthroPaws has got your pet covered. Provide them with the specialized care they deserve with ArthroPaws.

We work with veterinary & pre-veterinary universities and private veterinary practices to provide a deployable rehab department when and where you need it.

Rehabilitation Uses:

Veterinary rehabilitation plays a crucial role in the overall well-being and recovery of animals. Just like human beings, animals also require specialized care and treatment after surgery or injury. This is where veterinary rehabilitation comes into play.

Veterinary rehabilitation, also known as animal physical therapy, focuses on helping animals regain their mobility and functionality after undergoing surgical procedures or experiencing injuries. It involves a range of therapeutic techniques and exercises designed to improve the strength, flexibility, and overall quality of life for animals.

Post-operative care is an essential component of veterinary rehabilitation. After surgery, animals need proper rest and a carefully structured program tailored to their specific needs. This typically includes pain management strategies and gentle exercises aimed at preventing complications while promoting healing.

Injury recovery is another significant area where veterinary rehabilitation proves its value. Whether an animal has suffered from fractures, soft tissue injuries or neurological conditions, rehabilitating them can greatly enhance their chances of regaining full mobility. The use of various modalities such as laser therapy, hydrotherapy (water-based exercise), massage techniques and therapeutic ultrasound are common practices in this field.

Mobility exercises are an important aspect of veterinary rehabilitation. These exercises aim to improve range of motion in joints as well as muscle strength and coordination in animals post-injury or surgery. Customized exercise programs are developed by veterinarians specializing in rehabilitation to address the specific needs of each individual animal based on their condition and response to treatment.

By providing specialized care through veterinary rehabilitation services, veterinarians can significantly enhance an animal's recovery process while promoting optimal health outcomes. With the advancement of technology and research in this field, new approaches continue to emerge that offer innovative solutions for improving the lives of our furry friends.

Eliminate Pain without Pills or Injections

Rehab Department Directing, Training, & Operations

We are available 24/7 for consultation, planning, and onsite visits to prepare, operate, or implement deployable veterinary rehab departments into veterinary & pre-veterinary universities, as well as private practice.


Veterinary Rehabilitation Article (Free)

Veterinary Rehabilitation Field Guide (Free)

Harness Ancient Acoustic Resonance

We Setup Everything Rehab

We are the world leader in veterinary rehabilitation & writing the book. We have setup many rehab departments and we can start with yours today.

Teaching Hospital: Specialty Medicine & Surgery

Give us the go ahead and we will bring your veterinary/pre-veterinary university, teaching hospital, or specialty practice into the new age of the rehab. Pricing includes a one time setup fee as well as a monthly subscription with unlimited training and expert technical help from the DVM who wrote the book on rehabilitation.

The Age of Carprofen has come to an END

Most Advanced Veterinary Rehab Department on Earth

We offer access to a proprietary catalogue of veterinary rehabilitation modalities in history for a monthly subscription to institutions, students, and private practices. Our goal is to put a rehab department in every animal hospital in America.

Rehabilitation In Development:

We are developing future of veterinary rehabilitation including peri-appointment rehabilitation holoprojection, 3D thermal imaging, needleless injection, and much more.

How to Order?

Please reach out to our Chief Commercial Officer, Rachel Martin at 704-941-8449 or send her an email at

ArthroPaws Flyer

ArthroPaws Order Form

ArthroPaws Terms & Conditions

All veterinary medical decisions are made by the licensed veterinarian with a valid patient, doctor, client relationship and not in any way determined by Vet XPS inc., Dr. Scott Pless, FANG Foundation, its brands, interns, or employees. ArthroPaws subscription includes on site training as well as 24/7 access to help over the phone for practice implementation, troubleshooting, training, education, questions, and more.