First Interplanetary Veterinary Medicine Provider in History.

Interplanetary Veterinary Services

We work with interplanetary operations of private companies, government space agencies, and billionaire individuals to solve veterinary challenges of low earth orbit, interplanetary travel, and habitation of celestial bodies.

Global Mobile Vet Response

Interplanetary veterinary field medicine when & where you need it. Whether it be the the low earth orbit transit, space station habitation, the moon, mars, and beyond; we will dispatch our global specialist vet team to respond and be enroute as soon as possible.

Space Research Vet Response

Interplanetary lab medicine when & where you need it. Our research & zoo veterinary specialty team will respond to any planet and be dispatched & enroute as soon as possible.

Space Nutrition, Transit, and Habitation Design

We are available 24/7 for consultation, planning, and onsite visits to prepare, manage, or improve space nutrition, transit, and habitation design for animals.

Specialty Medicine & Surgery

We are the world leader in interplanetary vet medicine & writing the book. We offer 24/7 interplanetary vet medicine consultation, treatment planning, and onsite and/or field evaluations & surgery. We cover all areas known and untraditional within veterinary medicine.

Animal Space Suits & Walks

We offer expert interplanetary veterinary consultation, designs, protocols, and onsite visits for interplanetary operations.

Future Technology & Techniques

We are roughly 200 years ahead of our nearest veterinary competitor in terms of technological and technical innovations which are all being actively developed in-house by other Vet XPS companies.