Filmed First Veterinary Surgery Hologram in History

Veterinary Hologram Capture

Introducing HoloVet, the futuristic marvel of veterinary surgery! Step into a whole new dimension of precision and expertise with our cutting-edge holographic technology. HoloVet revolutionizes the way veterinarians perform surgeries, providing an immersive 3D experience that enhances visualization, accuracy, and overall patient care. Say goodbye to traditional limitations and hello to a new era of veterinary medicine with HoloVet - the future is here!

We work with veterinary & pre-veterinary universities, zoos, and private veterinary practices to provide the first and only source of veterinary hologram capture, display, & cataloging on the planet.

Hologram Uses:

In recent years, there has been a surge in the development and implementation of veterinary holograms in the field of veterinary medicine. These holograms, created using advanced technology like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), have emerged as powerful tools to enhance animal healthcare.

One key use of veterinary holograms is in surgical procedures. By projecting a three-dimensional holographic representation of the area requiring surgery onto the patient's body or an anatomical model, veterinarians can gain a clearer understanding of the complexities involved. This allows for more precise and informed decision-making during surgeries, ultimately leading to improved outcomes and faster recovery times for animals.

Additionally, veterinary holograms find application in educational settings. Veterinary students can benefit from immersive learning experiences by interacting with realistic holographic models that simulate various scenarios and conditions. This enables them to gain valuable hands-on experience and better understand complex anatomical structures or medical procedures.

Furthermore, these holographic technologies also have the potential to improve client communication within veterinary clinics. Veterinarians can use interactive holograms to visually explain diagnoses or treatment plans to pet owners in a more engaging and comprehensible manner. This helps foster trust and collaboration between veterinarians and clients while ensuring that pet owners are well-informed about their pet's health needs.

The use of veterinary holograms represents a significant advancement in animal healthcare technology. As research and innovation continue in this field, we can expect further integration of these technologies into routine clinical practices - ultimately leading to enhanced diagnostics, treatment options, and overall care for our beloved animals.

Filmed First Pre-Euthanasia Hologram in History

By utilizing holographic technology, veterinarians can create realistic interactive representations of pets, allowing them to be present for future generations of children and pets to experience for the rest of time.

US Euthanasia

5,000-10,000 Animals Euthanized Every Day

Filmed First Veterinary Oral Surgery Hologram in History

Small Footprint & Custom Portable Holo-Studio

Hologram Directing, Training, & Filming

We are available 24/7 for consultation, planning, and onsite visits to prepare, film, or implement veterinary holograms into veterinary & pre-veterinary universities, as well as private practice.


“One expectation is that graduates are capable, demonstrating competence in performing basic elective surgery in an aseptic fashion and providing adequate perioperative care. This is despite there being no detailed reference to the exact expected surgical exposure for undergraduates. This is topped with the added expectation from employers that new graduates will be proficient with basic core surgical skills in the area in which they work. This assumed expectation can be extremely daunting for students, especially due to the recognised lack of consistent surgical exposure during the undergraduate programmes and, ultimately, that stress could be detrimental to the student learning experience and, importantly, mental health.” - Thompson et al., 2023

“Historically, students gained their surgical skills through clinical rotations and cadaver laboratories, but due to the increasing focus on the ethical and sustainable use of cadavers and emphasis on referral-level services in teaching hospitals, ensuring steady surgical exposure is challenging.” - Thompson et al., 2023

“Veterinary students in the UK agreed that those surgical skills were directly representative of clinical practice and important skills to have at graduation, but in their final year of studies, over 50% of those students had no considerable experience with those skills and were not comfortable performing them. This implies that students in the UK are unlikely to possess these core basic surgical skills at the time of graduating and that ‘Day 1 Competence’ is likely not reached prior to registration.” - Thompson et al., 2023

Veterinary Hologram Article (Free)

Veterinary Hologram Textbook (Free)

Enter 3rd Dimension Veterinary Medicine

24/7 Holo-Capture & Projection

We are the world leader in veterinary hologram capture & writing the book. We offer the full service of hologram capture with HoloVet, hologram projection with VetGlass, and the largest veterinary hologram archive in existence with Vetcron. Pick and choose what you need and we will implement your holograms today.

Teaching Hospital: Specialty Medicine & Surgery

Give us the go ahead and we will bring your veterinary/pre-veterinary university, teaching hospital, or specialty practice into the age of the hologram recording & projection. Pricing includes a one time setup fee as well as a monthly subscription with unlimited training and expert technical help from the DVM who founded the field Veterinary Holographic Imaging.

The Age of the Veterinary Hologram has Begun

Largest Veterinary Holo-Catalogue on Earth

We offer access to the first veterinary hologram catalogue in history for a monthly subscription to institutions, students, and private practices. Our catalogue is ever-growing and is currently the largest veterinary hologram catalogue on the planet. Our goal is to include all veterinary surgical and non-surgical procedures known to medicine.

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How to Order?

Please reach out to our Chief Commercial Officer, Rachel Martin at

HoloVet Flyer

HoloVet Order Form

Imagine a live hologram of the entire hospital and everyone inside it on your desk or in the palm of your hand.

At special request only.

HoloVet, VetGlass, Vetcron, VetMiniMap Terms & Conditions

The term hologram is referring to a three dimensional video file and not projected into a floating 3D space using light projectors. Lidar capture and 3D optical displays are used to capture and display the holograms with headset options as well. 3D light projectors are being developed and we will have this as well as updated Lidar cameras as they become available. Hologram filming is calculated based upon the length of time the end product edited hologram is. All end product edited holograms are bound under contract to belong to Vet XPS inc. and they must be sent or uploaded to Vet XPS inc. Vetcron hologram archive within 30 days of completion. Failure to do so will infringe upon Vet XPS contract as the holograms are the sole property of Vet XPS wherever they are filmed post editing. All holograms will be available to all members of Vetcron to provide a central veterinary hologram archive for the purpose of spreading of veterinary knowledge and advancement. Vet XPS reserves the full right to continue to use and profit upon the holograms of providers and their or any patient or owner likeness which may appear in the holograms. In the future the ability for providers to gain commendations and potentially advertisement revenue made proportionally upon the content they contribute is a goal of Vet XPS. Anonymity of procedures, patients, and owners will be respected if requested but will not impede the progress of the veterinary field of holographic imaging nor shall it impede the education of the future generations of veterinarians.